Welcome to ICRP 2023
The 6th International Conference on Rebuilding Place (ICRP) is an important event to be held in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia on 6-7 September 2023, as an international platform that brings together innovative minds from academics, researchers, engineers, architects, planners, policymakers, industry experts and students from around the word to a common forum to share and disseminate their latest research on topics related to enhancing sustainability in rebuilding to solve current issues.
The theme entitled ‘Rebuilding Built Environment Towards Sustainable Cities and Communities’ focuses on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals agenda which promotes sustainability, especially in the pillars of sustainable cities, infrastructures and energy consumption which must be safeguarded against the onslaught of global warming and the threat of climate change occurring in around the word in the last few decades. This phenomenon increases word energy consumption significantly, causing air pollution, increasing environmental temperature, and resulting in health hazards. in carving out a better future for the built environment, the key issue is to offer communities and cities more resilient solutions to address environmental problems and change.
The main objective of ICRP 2023 is to offer opportunities for international participants to share their experiences, ideas and expertise with counterparts in other parts of the word as well to offer opportunities for international networking for future collaborators in research, industry, practice and generating solutions. The most advanced technology that will provide great results and benefits for human survival. It is our intention that ICRP results will make a significant contribution to the body of knowledge towards a better-built environment.
The conference is co-organized by Syiah Kuala University (Indonesia), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Chulalongkorn University (Thailand). The best paper award will be given to the paper considered to have made the most significant contribution to the conference.
All the presented papers will be published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (ESS) (To be confirmed). Selected papers will be invited to extend publication in a national and international journals.
See you in Bandar Lampung!